7 harmful myths about chronic pain

7 Harmful Myths About Chronic Pain

Myth #1– Taking pain medication makes you an addict

Fact:  There is a difference between physical dependence and addiction. Addiction involves compulsive cravings, inability to control use, and use despite potential harm and self destructive behavior. Physical dependence occurs when the body becomes used to the presence of a drug. Many substances – such as nicotine, sugar, and anti-depressants can cause physical dependence, and yet people who use these substances are not accused of being addicts.

Myth #2– People who take pain medication are just weak and lazy

Fact: No one gives out a prize for refusing pain medication when you need it and people in pain usually learn this through experience. Additionally, studies have even shown that people actually underestimate their pain. So instead of being lazy they are actually working twice as hard as healthy people just to accomplish the most basic tasks, and underestimating how bad the pain is as a result.

Pain is your body's way of telling you something is wrong, and it shouldn't be ignored

Myth #3 Exercise makes everything better

Fact: Results about the benefits of exercise for people with chronic pain are mixed. While generally exercise is a positive thing sometimes it can actually do more harm than good, depending on its location and the type of pain. Which is why exercise routines should be approved by a doctor and not by random people with opinions about other people’s bodies.

Myth #4 Pain can be overcome by just trying harder

Fact: While there are ways to mitigate it, pain is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong and so it shouldn’t be ignored. Additionally, it’s not that easy for someone in pain to just try harder as many things about illness are outside their control. People who live with pain have to put in extraordinary effort just to survive in a non-disabled world. They are trying as hard as they can while trying to abide by their body’s own limits. Trying harder than their body allows can actually be damaging and lead to further injury.

7 harmful myths about chronic pain

Myth #5 People in real pain have obvious physical symptoms

Fact: Many people who experience pain do not exhibit obvious physical symptoms, their illness is invisible. In the United States, 96% of people with chronic medical conditions show no obvious signs of their illness, and 10% experience symptoms that are considered disabling. People who show obvious signs of pain are actually the exception instead of the rule.

96% of people with chronic medical conditions show no obvious signs of their illness Click To Tweet

Myth #6  Pain is just a part of getting older

Fact: Yes our bodies can experience more aches and pains as we get older, but severe pain is not normal. Studies have failed over and over to find a direct relationship between pain and age. A National Center for Health Statistics report found that 29% of adults between the ages of 45 and 64 years vs 21% of those 65 or older reported pain lasting >24 hours in the month.* Additionally, some chronic pain disorders have been found to actually decrease with age.

Myth #7 If doctors can’t find a reason for the pain, then it must be made up

Fact: Not all pain can be easily linked to a specific injury. Sometimes pain develops for no apparent reason, it’s not just a simple cause and effect relationship. Additionally, sometimes pain can linger even after the original cause has been addressed. Bodies are complicated and there aren’t always easy answers.



* Gibson SJ, Helme RD. Age differences in pain perception and report: a review of physiological, psychological, laboratory and clinical studies. Pain Rev. 1995;2:111–137.

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2 thoughts on “7 Harmful Myths About Chronic Pain

  1. Thank you for your post. I’ve suffered from chronic pain for 28 years due to sever back disorders, fybromylia, and chemical intolerance which keeps me totally isolated. I am unable to take any form of pain medication due to chemical intolerance and I fight every day just to be normal which backfires every time and I end up spending months in bed. Since I look very healthy doctors are useless. I agree with you so much that beauty and laughter is the beat pain killer and along with meditation and just doing what you love helps so much. Thank you. Nancy

  2. Thankyou for your informative post. I have Crps2 of the face, Greater occipital neuralgia, ,auriciotemporal neuralgia & fibromyalgia. Balance, kindness, an informed GP, a great Pain Specialist & anti-inflammatory unprocessed diet are key. I also completely agree with Nancy, doing what we love, even if it’s only in small doses definitely helps! Chronic pain can be very cruel, so far these diseases have robbed years of my life & getting worse. Unfortunately to add salt to the wound, people can add to the cruelty with their ignorance, lack of patience, hurt & judgement. I do find when these distressing/toxic interactions happen, it guarantees some kind of pain flare. The more intense the distress, the more intense these additional pain attacks are on the body, which can last anywhere from days to months. Sadly this is the reason I’ve had no choice, but to slowly detach, its an increasing hermit like existence, much easier than trying to explain or constantly repeating oneself, which in itself however small, can cause stress then pain., a vicious cycle. Let’s keep up the awareness & education on chronic painful conditions & diseases. Its been my experience that, slowly people including professionals are becoming more aware, but we have a long way to go. Anne

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