you know you have a chronic illness when

You know you have a chronic illness when

Having a chronic illness isn’t easy. It comes with forgetfulness, fatigue, pain, social consequences, crazy amounts of doctor appointments, depression and anxiety,  and big life changes. Not everyone experiences all of these things, but there are certain hallmarks that everyone with a chronic illness experiences even though they may have a variety of illnesses. So here are a few of the most noticeable and relatable parts of having a chronic illness:

You have a chronic illness when

You lost your keys and after searching for two hours you finally find them in the freezer. Thanks brainfog.

Your medication doesn’t fit in your medicine cabinet

Your medical files have to be carried around in a box

You often hear the phrase “I’ve never seen anything like this before” when you go to the doctor

Your doctors’ phone numbers are programmed into your phone

You’re on first-name terms with your pharmacist

Every spare penny you have goes to paying off your medical bills (if you’re American anyway)

You laugh hysterically when someone invites you to participate in a 5k

You have to ask for help when opening your pill bottles-those childproof caps don’t stop children, but they sure stop you

You have yoga pants in every color of the rainbow

You know where the elevators are in every building you go to

When you are used to being told you need a psychiatrist

When someone asks “what do you do for a living,” you just laugh

You have a long wish list of chronic illness related products

You wish you didn’t have to sit around all day resting

You carry around prescription medication in your purse

You found the missing peanut butter in the car and have no memory of how it got there

You try to explain to your friends and family the “spoon theory.”

You know you have a chronic illness when your doctor's number is programmed into your phone


You forget how to spell your name and have to ask someone else for help

You’d rather die than go to the emergency room thanks to your past ER experiences

You distrust doctors as a principle

You’re used to being told you’re crazy and lazy

Sometimes you can’t think of a word you’ve said a million times


You take more medication than your grandparents

People are always trying to sell you magic cures

You’re exhausted but you can’t sleep on a regular basis

You hate medical dramas because they portray doctors that care

You travel with an entire bag just for your medication

The only people who really understand you are online

It’s a good day when you put on clothes

Just standing up or getting out of bed causes you pain

You feel like you used to be smart and capable, but aren’t anymore

You wake up more tired then you went to sleep

You’re exhausted after taking a shower

You know more about your illness than your doctor does

You’re heating pad is your best friend


These are all the hallmarks of chronic illness that I could come up with. What have you found to be the hallmarks of your chronic illness?

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3 thoughts on “You know you have a chronic illness when

  1. Yes, I know the frustration. My biggest grief would be deciding I am going to do something. In my mind I can do it, but when I try my body won’t respond. For example, playing with grand-kids I will forget and start to run only to end up on the ground because my legs wont do what I want them too.

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