10 fascinating tools on my chronic pain wish list

10 fascinating tools on my chronic pain wish list

Every day there are new devices and tools are emerging to treat chronic pain. I’ve been lucky to try a few of them, but of course, I don’t have unlimited money. So I’ve developed a wish list of things I would love to try in a world where money was no object. Here’s a list…Continue reading 10 fascinating tools on my chronic pain wish list

I am fibromyalgia- When fibromyalgia takes over your body and your life

I am Fibromyalgia: What it’s like when Fibromyalgia takes over your body

I know I snuck up on you without your knowing so now that you’re stuck with me I thought I’d introduce myself. Hi, I’m fibromyalgia I’m invisible No one can see me, no one else can feel me, only you can feel my strength and power. I take your energy from you, I cause your…Continue reading I am Fibromyalgia: What it’s like when Fibromyalgia takes over your body

6 ways spoon theory is important in the struggle with chronic illness

One tool people use to explain life with chronic illness is called The Spoon Theory.  The Spoon Theory basically says that a person with a chronic illness only has so many spoons available to them, and the number changes from day to day. Once you use a spoon, it’s gone and there’s nothing you can…Continue reading 6 ways spoon theory is important in the struggle with chronic illness

Absolutely no one with chronic pain medicates to zero pain

No one with chronic pain medicates to zero pain, despite what doctors and internet trolls believe. Despite this being a myth, the common view is that the opioid epidemic was caused by pain patients demanding that they never be in pain ever, and so they medicated themselves into painless zombies. This is absolutely ridiculous, and…Continue reading Absolutely no one with chronic pain medicates to zero pain

The truth about chronic pain, depression,and suicide

The truth about chronic pain, depression, and suicide

A conversation on my Facebook page about the side effects of living with long term chronic pain reminded me that I needed to address this topic. I’ve avoided it because I don’t like getting too personal or emotional on my blog, and talking about depression and suicide gets really emotional. However, the more discussion I…Continue reading The truth about chronic pain, depression, and suicide

The shocking truth about life with untreated chronic pain

The shocking truth about life with untreated chronic pain

Pain takes over everything and untreated chronic pain can derail your whole life. Without treatment, pain takes over your body, and then it takes over your mind. It makes it so you can’t process information. It makes it so you can’t think. It makes it so you can’t remember because all you can remember is…Continue reading The shocking truth about life with untreated chronic pain

how to let go of control when you live with chronic pain

How to let go of control when you live with chronic pain

When you’re diagnosed with a chronic illness/chronic pain your life changes instantly and it’s not always easy to go with the flow. You want to hold onto things that were part of your healthy life, but your body just won’t cooperate. So here’s a few things that I’ve had to let go because of chronic…Continue reading How to let go of control when you live with chronic pain

why insignificant tasks are monumental with chronic pain

Why insignificant tasks are monumental when you deal with chronic pain

A few weeks ago I was re-reading an old post of mine about loneliness with chronic illness when I read this line and it reminded me of how everything is consequential when you deal with chronic pain: And you, your life depends on how bad the weather is that day, or how long it takes…Continue reading Why insignificant tasks are monumental when you deal with chronic pain

The emotional and psychological impacts of living with constant pain

The emotional and psychological impacts of living in constant pain

The emotional and psychological impact of constant pain makes me feel dead inside.  No really. I’m sitting here trying to get in touch with my feelings so that I can write a blog post, and I can’t do it because I’ve cut off all my feelings. I’m not supposed to feel sad or frustrated, and…Continue reading The emotional and psychological impacts of living in constant pain

8 surprising items everyone with chronic pain needs

Every time I have a flare and end up stuck in my bed, my whole life collects in my room, specifically on the nightstand. So this made me think about what my favorite things are to keep on hand, right by my bed and what things that everyone in pain should have easily accessible. So…Continue reading 8 surprising items everyone with chronic pain needs