No one who knows me in real life would ever call me an optimist. I consider myself a realist which means if something is positive, yay! However, I’m not going to pretend something is awesome when it’s not. This is why I tend to shy away from “my illness is totally empowering” “my life is…Continue reading 5 ways chronic illness makes you awesome
Category: Invisible Illness
I’m not faking being sick, I’m faking being well
As someone with a disability, I’m not faking sick, I’m faking being well. I was reminded of this the other day when I received the strangest compliment. I was told that I am a professional organizer when it comes to my illness. It was pointed out to me that I put a lot of mental effort…Continue reading I’m not faking being sick, I’m faking being well
5 things not to say to people with chronic illness
When you have a chronic illness you tend to get the same reactions from people over and over again. As much as you try to remember that most people have good intentions being regularly put into a position where you have to defend your illness is exasperating. Here are some suggestions for what not to say…Continue reading 5 things not to say to people with chronic illness
10 truths about taking opioids for chronic pain
10 truths about taking opioids for chronic pain Being on opioid medication because of chronic pain is practically a criminal offense these days. You spend a lot of time defending the decisions you and your doctor decided were best for you, and usually, you’re defending these decisions to people who don’t actually know anything about…Continue reading 10 truths about taking opioids for chronic pain
10 things people with Fibromyalgia really want as gifts this year
What gifts do people with Fibromyalgia really want? The gift of people to realize that Fibromyalgia is not fake Fibromyalgia is a legitimate illness that has been around for a long time. Unfortunately, because Fibromyalgia mostly affects women, it has never been taken seriously. People should react to a Fibromyalgia diagnosis with support, not judgment…Continue reading 10 things people with Fibromyalgia really want as gifts this year
Invisible illness: when people can’t see your pain
This week is Invisible Illness week, and so I’ve been thinking about what it really means to have an invisible illness and chronic pain. While everyone’s experience is different, this is what invisible illness is to me: Invisible illness is being pressured into doing things you’re too sick to do Invisible illness is being…Continue reading Invisible illness: when people can’t see your pain
When doctors don’t want to listen to their patients
It’s no secret that I dislike doctors and don’t trust them because they don’t listen to their patients. I have a whole category on my blog entitled “doctors suck” after all. A lot of people wonder how I can dislike doctors when they are thoughtful, educated, and selfless human beings who are just trying to…Continue reading When doctors don’t want to listen to their patients
5 Common Fibromyalgia Myths and why they’re wrong
Despite being around for several decades, the diagnosis of fibromyalgia is still widely misunderstood. Patients still struggle with getting a diagnosis, and when they do get a diagnosis helping their friends and family understand their invisible illness can be a challenge. What complicates patients’ lives even more are a myriad of myths and misconceptions that…Continue reading 5 Common Fibromyalgia Myths and why they’re wrong
How the opioid epidemic hurts people with chronic pain
The opioid epidemic hurts people with chronic pain THE OPIOID EPIDEMIC AMERICA’S ADDICTION TO OPIOIDS HOW BAD IS AMERICA’S OPIOID EPIDEMIC? HOW TO STOP OPIOID ADDICTION THE OPIOID EPIDEMIC IS RIGHT HERE These are just some of the scare headlines that flash across the news every single day in the US. The media…Continue reading How the opioid epidemic hurts people with chronic pain
5 Ways to Cope With Fibromyalgia Fatigue
Fatigue is one of the hallmark symptoms of Fibromyalgia, and it’s probably the symptom that I personally struggle with the most. It is all-encompassing and can quickly take over your life, leaving you little to no control. Fatigue is hard to understand, which is why people with Fibromyalgia are told to “just sleep more” or…Continue reading 5 Ways to Cope With Fibromyalgia Fatigue