i am fibromyalgia

I am Fibromyalgia

I know you’re new to this and I snuck up on you without your knowing. Now that you’re stuck with me I thought I’d introduce myself. Hi, I’m Fibromyalgia. The first thing you need to know about me is that I’m invisible. No one else can see me, no one else can feel me, and…Continue reading I am Fibromyalgia

Coming out of the chronic illness closet

Them: “Hey you want to go on  (fill in the blank here) trip with us? Me: “Uh, I don’t think I can.” Them: ” Oh come on, you know you want to.” Me thinking: Sure I want to but there is no way I can do that physically it would just be way to much. What…Continue reading Coming out of the chronic illness closet

7 harmful myths about chronic pain

7 Harmful Myths About Chronic Pain

Myth #1– Taking pain medication makes you an addict Fact:  There is a difference between physical dependence and addiction. Addiction involves compulsive cravings, inability to control use, and use despite potential harm and self destructive behavior. Physical dependence occurs when the body becomes used to the presence of a drug. Many substances – such as nicotine, sugar, and anti-depressants can cause…Continue reading 7 Harmful Myths About Chronic Pain

Practicing self care with chronic illness sounds like an oxymoron, but it's necessary. Learning to prioritize yourself and set boundaries is key

Practicing self care with chronic illness

Self care with chronic illness always feels like an oxymoron, but what is self care? The WHO 1998 definition is: ‘Self-Care is what people do for themselves to establish and maintain health, and to prevent and deal with illness. It is a broad concept encompassing hygiene (general and personal), nutrition (type and quality of food eaten),…Continue reading Practicing self care with chronic illness

Is fibromyalgia fake? 5 fibro myths debunked

 You may have landed on this page because you googled “Is fibromyalgia fake” looking to confirm that someone in your life is a lazy hypochondriac. Well unfortunately for you ( but fortunate for them) fibromyalgia is real. Now don’t get me wrong, Fibromyalgia is overdiagnosed. Many people who have chronic pain issues end up getting…Continue reading Is fibromyalgia fake? 5 fibro myths debunked

With Fibromyalgia you have to deal with accusations of faking, brain fog, pain, and fatigue. It's the worst

8 reasons Fibromyalgia is the the absolute worst

 In response to the criticism about my “5 ways Fibromyalgia makes you awesome” post being too positive, I decided to write a counter post. I even upped the ante by coming up with eight things, instead of five! Warning: this post contains sarcasm.  1. It turns you into an idiot Fibro fog takes over your…Continue reading 8 reasons Fibromyalgia is the the absolute worst

5 things to remember when you're feeling better with chronic illness

5 things to remember when you’re having a good day

 I’ve been feeling really good lately. Not normal good, but good for me. For the first time in a year and a half, I do not have a kidney stone and so I’m only dealing with my normal health problems. After multiple kidney stone episodes, my normal problems make me feel like I’m on top…Continue reading 5 things to remember when you’re having a good day

10 unexpected life lessons learned from chronic illness

10 unexpected life lessons learned from chronic illness

10 unexpected life lessons learned from chronic illness 1. People are both better and worse than you think Illness tends to bring out the best and the worst in people. You find out very quickly how awesome some of your friends and family are. People will be there for you that you might have never…Continue reading 10 unexpected life lessons learned from chronic illness

no one cares it's not cancer

Why no one cares about chronic illness, part 3

Read my much angrier part 1 and part 2 for background context of this post.  I’ve learned a lot about humanity through having a chronic illness. When you’re sick you really see the best and the worst of human beings. I have been on the receiving end of some wonderful service, and I have also been…Continue reading Why no one cares about chronic illness, part 3

to the person with chronic illness that feels like they can never measure up

To the person with chronic illness that feels like they can never measure up

 I know it feels like no one thinks about you, the quiet person in the corner who just looks a little tired. No one notices how hard you try or how much effort you put into pretending you’re okay. Sometimes it feels like they only notice you when you make a mistake, or when your…Continue reading To the person with chronic illness that feels like they can never measure up