4 surprising ways chronic illness can change your life

Chronic illness has changed my life in many ways, there is no doubt about that. Most of the changes were fairly obvious, but recently I noticed a few changes I made without even knowing. Some of these changes are funny, some of them are not, but as usual I try to look at all of…Continue reading 4 surprising ways chronic illness can change your life

5 questions to ask yourself before you say yes

Learning to say no is one of the most difficult parts of living with a chronic illness. No one wants to be considered selfish and uncaring because they never help out a friend or a family member, but when your body has limitations you cannot do everything that is asked of you. It’s especially difficult…Continue reading 5 questions to ask yourself before you say yes

7 simple ways to distract yourself from pain

7 simple ways to distract yourself from pain

With the constant hysteria about the “opioid epidemic” getting treatment for chronic pain is getting more and more difficult. Often people in pain are accused of being drug seekers and told they just need to get over their pain. Of course, those of us who have experienced pain know that there are no easy answers.…Continue reading 7 simple ways to distract yourself from pain

the 4 biggest lies you hear about living with chronic illness

The 4 biggest lies you’ll hear about life with chronic illness

So much of what you hear about chronic illness is lies or obfuscation. You’re constantly being hit with all this information, and not all of it is accurate. You’ll hear things from doctors, friends, family, and even other people with chronic illnesses that just aren’t true. Here are the lies I’ve heard the most. 1.…Continue reading The 4 biggest lies you’ll hear about life with chronic illness

what it's like when the pain never goes away

What it’s like when pain never goes away

Some people are under the impression that pain is something that can be conquered. That if you just try hard enough you can beat it and live a normal life. So I  thought I’d share a few snapshots from my life with chronic pain. After all, life with chronic pain is absolutely the best, and…Continue reading What it’s like when pain never goes away

to the person with chronic illness who feels invisible

To the person with chronic illness who feels invisible

I know it feels like no one thinks about you and that you’re invisible because of your chronic illness. I know it feels like no one cares or even notices when your illness forces you to disappear for a while. I know you carry a heavy burden that no one else sees. You carry the…Continue reading To the person with chronic illness who feels invisible

It's past time to end the disgusting treatment of people taking opioids for chronic pain.  People in pain are not exaggerating, and they are not criminals. not

The disgusting treatment of people taking opioids for chronic pain

It’s past time to end the disgusting treatment of people taking opioids for chronic pain.   Note: If you don’t like satire proceed at your own risk Dear chronic pain patients, In the last few years, it’s come to the attention of the media, politicians, and society that people who take opioids for chronic pain…Continue reading The disgusting treatment of people taking opioids for chronic pain

medical sexism- how doctors ignore women's pain

Medical sexism-how doctors ignore women’s pain

I have long talked about the serious problem of medical sexism and how badly woman are treated by doctors as compared to men. Here’s just a few basic statistics as a refresher about medical sexism: Women are more likely to be given sedatives for their pain, while men are more likely to be given pain medication.…Continue reading Medical sexism-how doctors ignore women’s pain

7 things people with fibromyalgia are tired of hearing

7 things people with Fibromyalgia are tired of hearing

7 things people with Fibromyalgia are tired of hearing   When you have a chronic illness you tend to hear the same responses over and over again. Some of these responses come from people who have good intentions, some come from people who just don’t think. Either way, they are hard to hear repeatedly. I…Continue reading 7 things people with Fibromyalgia are tired of hearing

the side effects of chronic pain no one talks about

The side effects of chronic pain no one talks about

There are severe side effects to long-term chronic pain. However, because of the recent hysteria about the “opioid epidemic” there have been some discussions by doctors and the CDC about how patients in chronic pain just should accept their pain.  They suggest people with chronic pain use “nonpharmacologic therapy” such as massage, physical therapy, etc.…Continue reading The side effects of chronic pain no one talks about