This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for details. I have two kids and a messy husband so cleaning with chronic pain is a daily battle. Ideally, I would have a perfectly clean and organized home because messes stress me out, but the people I live with have different ideas and…Continue reading 5 tips for cleaning with chronic pain
Category: Living with chronic illness
5 things not to say to people with chronic illness
When you have a chronic illness you tend to get the same reactions from people over and over again. As much as you try to remember that most people have good intentions being regularly put into a position where you have to defend your illness is exasperating. Here are some suggestions for what not to say…Continue reading 5 things not to say to people with chronic illness
10 truths about taking opioids for chronic pain
10 truths about taking opioids for chronic pain Being on opioid medication because of chronic pain is practically a criminal offense these days. You spend a lot of time defending the decisions you and your doctor decided were best for you, and usually, you’re defending these decisions to people who don’t actually know anything about…Continue reading 10 truths about taking opioids for chronic pain
How to support someone with chronic illness
Recently an acquaintance of mine who has suffered for years from unexplained illness was finally diagnosed. It’s hard to explain to someone who has never suffered from an unexplained illness, but the diagnosis was actually a happy occasion and yet he chose to keep silent. He did not tell most of his other acquaintances or…Continue reading How to support someone with chronic illness
10 kitchen tools for the chronically ill
I spend a significant amount of my time in the kitchen, which is why I need some tools to help me out. I don’t particularly like cooking, but with a family, somebody has to do it. Plus I like to eat good food, so it only makes sense that I have to spend time producing…Continue reading 10 kitchen tools for the chronically ill
Why I use humor to cope with chronic illness
Why I use humor to cope with chronic illness Chronic illness isn’t funny I don’t know why you would write something like this This is in poor taste I don’t appreciate people laughing about illness This reflects badly on Fibromyalgia because people will think it’s real These are just some of the comments…Continue reading Why I use humor to cope with chronic illness
Chronic Mom’s 10 most popular posts of 2016
It’s time for Chronic Mom’s popular posts of 2016. 2016 has been an interesting year for me. I’ve finally been healthy enough that I’ve been able to put some effort into my blog (6 kidney stones and a gall bladder removal couldn’t even stop me), and because of that, it has grown significantly. I’ve loved being…Continue reading Chronic Mom’s 10 most popular posts of 2016
Surviving the holidays as a parent with chronic illness
Surviving the holidays as a parent with chronic illness The holidays can be a rough time period for everyone. There’s so much to do it’s easy to feel stressed, hurried, and overwhelmed. It’s even harder if you have a chronic illness and you have to deal with the limitations of your body. Often we can…Continue reading Surviving the holidays as a parent with chronic illness
12 “gifts” that will really help someone with chronic illness
12 gifts that will really help someone with chronic illness this year. You’ve probably already read my serious version of what people with chronic illness really want for Christmas, the following is the wishful thinking version of what people with chronic illness really want this year. It’s that time again, time to think about buying…Continue reading 12 “gifts” that will really help someone with chronic illness
Why people with chronic pain take opioids
I wake up in the morning and immediately feel the crushing pain that has a hold over my entire body. The pain radiates from my shoulders to my toes, but I have to get out of bed so I can get my kids to school. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but…Continue reading Why people with chronic pain take opioids