10 best gifts for chronic illness

10 best gifts for those living with chronic illness

This post may contain affiliate links. See my disclosure for more details. A few weeks ago I shared my favorite spoonie items that I can’t live without, but today I’m sharing the best gifts for chronic illness. After hearing from other spoonies about what products they rely on I’ve added several new items to my…Continue reading 10 best gifts for those living with chronic illness

Want people with Fibromyalgia really want is for people to believe and support them

10 things people with Fibromyalgia really want as gifts this year

What gifts do people with Fibromyalgia really want? The gift of people to realize that Fibromyalgia is not fake Fibromyalgia is a legitimate illness that has been around for a long time. Unfortunately, because Fibromyalgia mostly affects women, it has never been taken seriously.  People should react to a Fibromyalgia diagnosis with support, not judgment…Continue reading 10 things people with Fibromyalgia really want as gifts this year

6 things to look for in a Fibromyalgia doctor

Things to look for in a Fibromyalgia doctor Finding a doctor willing to consider a fibromyalgia diagnosis can be a long and difficult process. On average it takes about five years to get diagnosed partly because some doctors don’t believe in fibromyalgia and others aren’t willing to treat a condition with no cure. Being dismissed by…Continue reading 6 things to look for in a Fibromyalgia doctor

what self care means when you have a chronic illness

What self care means when you have a chronic illness

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned because of chronic illness is the necessity of self-care. Self-care is vital when you have a chronic illness because you can’t help anyone else if you don’t help yourself. I learned this the hard way when I first got sick. I stretched myself to my limits and…Continue reading What self care means when you have a chronic illness

when doctors don't want to listen to their patients

When doctors don’t want to listen to their patients

It’s no secret that I dislike doctors and don’t trust them because they don’t listen to their patients. I have a whole category on my blog entitled “doctors suck” after all. A lot of people wonder how I can dislike doctors when they are thoughtful, educated, and selfless human beings who are just trying to…Continue reading When doctors don’t want to listen to their patients

5 common fibromyalgia myths and why they're wrong

5 Common Fibromyalgia Myths and why they’re wrong

Despite being around for several decades, the diagnosis of fibromyalgia is still widely misunderstood. Patients still struggle with getting a diagnosis, and when they do get a diagnosis helping their friends and family understand their invisible illness can be a challenge. What complicates patients’ lives even more are a myriad of myths and misconceptions that…Continue reading 5 Common Fibromyalgia Myths and why they’re wrong

When you're a parent with fibromyalgia you deal with a lot of guilt and exhaustion.

The struggle of parenting with Fibromyalgia

Parenting with Fibromyalgia will always be a struggle. I’m sitting outside my daughter’s dance class waiting for class to be over. I try not to shift too many times in the hard plastic chair, but my body is hurting. There’s chaos all around me as siblings run around parents who are busy making last minute…Continue reading The struggle of parenting with Fibromyalgia

how the opioid epidemic hurts people with chronic pain

How the opioid epidemic hurts people with chronic pain

The opioid epidemic hurts people with chronic pain THE OPIOID EPIDEMIC AMERICA’S ADDICTION TO OPIOIDS HOW BAD IS AMERICA’S OPIOID EPIDEMIC? HOW TO STOP OPIOID ADDICTION THE OPIOID EPIDEMIC IS RIGHT HERE     These are just some of the scare headlines that flash across the news every single day in the US. The media…Continue reading How the opioid epidemic hurts people with chronic pain

Living with Fibromyalgia comes with a lot of advice about sleep, food, and exercise. Unfortunately many of the people giving advice have never experienced fibromyalgia

What life is really like living with Fibromyalgia

Today I stumbled across a Fibromyalgia article found here about living with Fibromyalgia. I have to admit, I gagged a little bit when I read it. I think this embodies all the problems with living with Fibromyalgia advice in one lousy article. These are the suggestions that were offered for coping with Fibromyalgia: Living with Fibromyalgia: Simplistic advice…Continue reading What life is really like living with Fibromyalgia

5 ways to cope with fibromyalgia fatigue

5 Ways to Cope With Fibromyalgia Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the hallmark symptoms of Fibromyalgia, and it’s probably the symptom that I personally struggle with the most. It is all-encompassing and can quickly take over your life, leaving you little to no control. Fatigue is hard to understand, which is why people with Fibromyalgia are told to “just sleep more” or…Continue reading 5 Ways to Cope With Fibromyalgia Fatigue