when your chronic pain becomes an inconvenience to others

When your chronic pain becomes an inconvenience to others

When your chronic pain becomes an inconvenience to others.   I hate your guts and that’s why I decided to be sick. I thought for a long time about how I could make you suffer. There are the usual methods, but they just seemed too easy. I don’t like to do things the easy way,…Continue reading When your chronic pain becomes an inconvenience to others

10 reasons summer is the worst thing ever

Summer kicks my trash. For one thing, the weather makes me feel horrible and leads to me swell up like a balloon. Also, my hands are virtually unusable from the months of April-October. For another thing, my kids are out of school. Now I love my kids very much, but I’ve found since my illness…Continue reading 10 reasons summer is the worst thing ever

Taking opioids for chronic pain means being treated like a criminal and constantly being told that you're exaggerating your pain.

What it’s really like taking opioids for chronic pain

Currently, taking opioids for chronic pain means you’re a pariah, which is why there aren’t enough stories to be more stories out there about what it is actually like to have an opioid prescription for chronic pain. Why I take opioids for chronic pain You can read my story here for some background context of my…Continue reading What it’s really like taking opioids for chronic pain

Coming out of the chronic illness closet

Them: “Hey you want to go on  (fill in the blank here) trip with us? Me: “Uh, I don’t think I can.” Them: ” Oh come on, you know you want to.” Me thinking: Sure I want to but there is no way I can do that physically it would just be way to much. What…Continue reading Coming out of the chronic illness closet

7 harmful myths about chronic pain

7 Harmful Myths About Chronic Pain

Myth #1– Taking pain medication makes you an addict Fact:  There is a difference between physical dependence and addiction. Addiction involves compulsive cravings, inability to control use, and use despite potential harm and self destructive behavior. Physical dependence occurs when the body becomes used to the presence of a drug. Many substances – such as nicotine, sugar, and anti-depressants can cause…Continue reading 7 Harmful Myths About Chronic Pain

Practicing self care with chronic illness sounds like an oxymoron, but it's necessary. Learning to prioritize yourself and set boundaries is key

Practicing self care with chronic illness

Self care with chronic illness always feels like an oxymoron, but what is self care? The WHO 1998 definition is: ‘Self-Care is what people do for themselves to establish and maintain health, and to prevent and deal with illness. It is a broad concept encompassing hygiene (general and personal), nutrition (type and quality of food eaten),…Continue reading Practicing self care with chronic illness

7 ways to distract yourself from pain

Pain often takes over everything, it demands to be felt. Despite what the people who think pain isn’t real think, pain acceptance does not make the pain go away. So here’s a few suggestions that might help to distract you from the pain for a short time. A relaxing salt bath A bath can be…Continue reading 7 ways to distract yourself from pain

Stop scamming Fibromyalgia patients by pretending there's a cure. Yoga, diet, and a good attitude can help mitigate symptoms, but aren't a cure.

Stop scamming patients by pretending there’s a cure to Fibromyalgia

Stop scamming patients by pretending there’s a cure for Fibromyalgia. People are tired of hearing if they do “ONE EASY THING!!” all their symptoms will go away, Generic suggestions that definitely do not cure Fibromyalgia Get more sleep Everyone with Fibromyalgia wants more sleep. Fibro patients go to sleep tired and wake up tired. They…Continue reading Stop scamming patients by pretending there’s a cure to Fibromyalgia

Running to the edge of your strength

My dad asks me every time I see him, “how are you feeling?” Every time my answer is the same: I am tired, overrun, exhausted, hurting, and generally miserable. That answer has never changed since I got sick. But the other day he asked me to think about what I was able to do this…Continue reading Running to the edge of your strength

Is fibromyalgia fake? 5 fibro myths debunked

 You may have landed on this page because you googled “Is fibromyalgia fake” looking to confirm that someone in your life is a lazy hypochondriac. Well unfortunately for you ( but fortunate for them) fibromyalgia is real. Now don’t get me wrong, Fibromyalgia is overdiagnosed. Many people who have chronic pain issues end up getting…Continue reading Is fibromyalgia fake? 5 fibro myths debunked