10 unexpected life lessons learning from chronic illness

10 Unexpected Lessons learned from life with Chronic Illness

These are ten unexpected lessons learned from life with Fibromyalgia, Lyme Disease, and Chronic Pain: 1. Heating pads are not well constructed Seriously. I go through a heating pad every few months. I’ve tried every brand under the sun and they all suck. I honestly don’t know where to find a decent heating pad anymore,…Continue reading 10 Unexpected Lessons learned from life with Chronic Illness

why no one cares about chronic illness

Why no one cares about chronic illness unless it’s cancer

No one cares about chronic illness unless it’s cancer. Cancer is a society-approved illness, and other illnesses are not. This Saturday I am participating in a fundraiser for Lyme Disease.  I’ll be the first to admit that I have not been very pushy about people donating, but basically, my sister was the only person I…Continue reading Why no one cares about chronic illness unless it’s cancer