how to survive a chronic illness flare up

How to survive a chronic illness flare up

Living with the unpredictability of chronic illness is incredibly stressful and the possibility of a chronic illness flare adds to that stress. You never know how you’re going to feel on a certain day. You have a tiny bit of control of your health through pacing, sleeping right, and eating right, but for the most…Continue reading How to survive a chronic illness flare up

the only disability in life is a bad attitude (and other nonsense)

The only disability in life is a bad attitude (and other nonsense)

I’ve been wanting to write a post on this topic for a long time but didn’t know how exactly to go about it in the right way. A lot of my able-bodied friends are obsessed with their weight and their fitness. I don’t think that their obsessing is super healthy, but it’s not my body…Continue reading The only disability in life is a bad attitude (and other nonsense)

5 tools to relieve chronic pain without pain medication

5 tools to relieve chronic pain without pain medication

This post includes affiliate links, please see my disclosure policy for more details. A while back I wrote a post called “5 tools for chronic pain.” A lot has changed in my life and in my health since then so I thought it was time for an update. I’m a big proponent of allowing people…Continue reading 5 tools to relieve chronic pain without pain medication

how to find the right doctor to treat your chronic illness

How to find the right doctor to treat your chronic illness

Finding a doctor willing to treat a chronic illness can be a long and difficult process. Finding a doctor who will believe you and take you seriously is easier said than done, and it’s even harder to find a doctor willing to treat an illness with no cure. In my personal experience, it took me…Continue reading How to find the right doctor to treat your chronic illness

to the person with chronic illness who feels like they're never good enough

To the person with chronic illness who feels like they’re never good enough

 The feeling of being never good enough sneaks up on you. I know it feels like no one thinks about you, the quiet person in the corner who just looks a little tired. No one notices how hard you try or how much effort you put into pretending you’re okay. They don’t notice that you’re…Continue reading To the person with chronic illness who feels like they’re never good enough

when having chronic pain means you're labeled as an addict

When having chronic pain means you’re labeled as an addict

I’m told that I am an addict because I have chronic pain, even though that is no longer the correct term for people experiencing addiction, and chronic pain has nothing to do with addiction. In the interest of full disclosure, I thought I’d share what a typical day for a chronic pain “addict” looks like.…Continue reading When having chronic pain means you’re labeled as an addict

what to do when you're tired of always being in pain

What to do when you’re tired of being in pain

I’m tired of pain. I’ve been in a funk lately. There’s no particular reason why. Nothing especially bad has happened and nothing drastic has changed in my life, but I’ve been in a mood. I don’t want to do anything, and I just lack the motivation to get going. I’m not staying home and being…Continue reading What to do when you’re tired of being in pain

when your doctor insists you're faking your illness

When your doctor insists you’re faking your illness

Being accused of faking your illness is a right of passage for anyone who lives with a chronic illness. If they don’t outright accuse you of faking, they give you terrible advice. Here are some simple solutions that have been presented to me by various doctors in their true desire to be helpful. 1. Exercise…Continue reading When your doctor insists you’re faking your illness

11 struggles only people with chronic pain will understand

11 struggles only people with chronic pain will understand

11 Struggles Only People with Chronic Pain Understand 1. Putting on long pants When your thoughts go like this: Can I lift my legs high enough? I’m so stiff I can barely move. How does anyone ever do this standing up? If I sit down on the floor to put them on will I be…Continue reading 11 struggles only people with chronic pain will understand

8 simple meal ideas for the chronically ill

8 simple meal ideas for the chronically ill

Nothing is harder than finding and cooking meals for the chronically ill. I’ve talked before about my favorite kitchen tools that I like to use, and I’ve even shared a few of my favorite kitchen tips, but I’ve had several requests for chronic illness-friendly recipes. These are not recipes that will fit a specific diet…Continue reading 8 simple meal ideas for the chronically ill