Myth #1– Taking pain medication makes you an addict Fact: There is a difference between physical dependence and addiction. Addiction involves compulsive cravings, inability to control use, and use despite potential harm and self destructive behavior. Physical dependence occurs when the body becomes used to the presence of a drug. Many substances – such as nicotine, sugar, and anti-depressants can cause…Continue reading 7 Harmful Myths About Chronic Pain
Category: Medication
7 ways to distract yourself from pain
Pain often takes over everything, it demands to be felt. Despite what the people who think pain isn’t real think, pain acceptance does not make the pain go away. So here’s a few suggestions that might help to distract you from the pain for a short time. A relaxing salt bath A bath can be…Continue reading 7 ways to distract yourself from pain
Is fibromyalgia fake? 5 fibro myths debunked
You may have landed on this page because you googled “Is fibromyalgia fake” looking to confirm that someone in your life is a lazy hypochondriac. Well unfortunately for you ( but fortunate for them) fibromyalgia is real. Now don’t get me wrong, Fibromyalgia is overdiagnosed. Many people who have chronic pain issues end up getting…Continue reading Is fibromyalgia fake? 5 fibro myths debunked
5 tools for dealing with chronic pain
I’m a big proponent of taking pain medication when you need it, but thanks to the opioid hysteria, it isn’t often available or isn’t the best option. Because I have young kids I generally do not take any pain medication during the day so I’ve had to look at other options. I’ve spent a lot…Continue reading 5 tools for dealing with chronic pain
The relationship between Fibromyalgia and Allergies (rhinitis)
My allergies have been a nightmare lately. I figured that was partly the fault of the climate I live in, but my allergies have been worse than ever this year. Luckily for me when my allergies are bad my sinuses are also bad so I’ve had the distinction of having a sinus infection that won’t…Continue reading The relationship between Fibromyalgia and Allergies (rhinitis)
You don’t get a prize for refusing pain medication when you need it
Many people need pain medication to survive, and yet the opioid crisis demonizes the medication that allowed them to function. Pain medication is demonized by opioid hysteria “Pain medication is the horrible stuff that only addicts use. If you depend on pain medication to function you are an addict. If you can’t control your pain…Continue reading You don’t get a prize for refusing pain medication when you need it