daily body restore review: probiotic supplement with digestive enzymes

Daily Body Restore review- Probiotic Supplement

I have been given this product as part of a product review through the Chronic Illness Bloggers network. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not…Continue reading Daily Body Restore review- Probiotic Supplement

5 tips for finding motivation, even with chronic illness

5 tips for finding motivation with chronic illness

It’s one of those high pain, low energy days and you just can’t motivate yourself to do much of anything. You feel the weight of your illness crashing down on you and you just want to hide from everything and everyone, so what do you do? If you’re like me sometimes you let the weight…Continue reading 5 tips for finding motivation with chronic illness

6 every day things that are a big deal when you live with chronic pain

6 things that are a big deal when you have chronic pain

In last week’s post I threw in a line that I didn’t think too much of at the time. And you, your life depends on how bad the weather is that day, or how long it takes you to recover from standing in line at the DMV, or whether or not the doctor screwed up your…Continue reading 6 things that are a big deal when you have chronic pain

keeping track of your illness with Gut Storylines

Keeping track of your illness with Gut Health Storylines

Gut Health Storylines Review Having a chronic illness sometimes feels like a full-time job. You feel like you spend your life juggling doctor appointments, medication refills, and pill schedules. You try to remember the different times you need to take medication and which ones need to be taken on an empty or a full stomach,…Continue reading Keeping track of your illness with Gut Health Storylines

6 reasons chronic pain is the worst

6 reasons chronic pain is the worst

Because living with chronic pain is not easy. You have to pretend to be sympathetic to other people’s pain When someone is going on and on about how much they hurt after running ten miles it’s all you can do not to punch them. Instead you paste a sympathetic look on your face and agree…Continue reading 6 reasons chronic pain is the worst

5 tips for cleaning with chronic pain

5 tips for cleaning with chronic pain

This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for details.  I have two kids and a messy husband so cleaning with chronic pain is a daily battle. Ideally, I would have a perfectly clean and organized home because messes stress me out, but the people I live with have different ideas and…Continue reading 5 tips for cleaning with chronic pain

Pain relief through CBD Clinic

In my never-ending quest for pain relief, I’ve had a chance to try a few different pain creams. This time I tried out CBD Clinic’s Revolutionary Pain Relief line of pain cream. CBD Clinic currently has a line of topical pain relief that is sold through Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists, and other health & wellness…Continue reading Pain relief through CBD Clinic

5 things not to say to someone with chronic illness

5 things not to say to people with chronic illness

When you have a chronic illness you tend to get the same reactions from people over and over again. As much as you try to remember that most people have good intentions being regularly put into a position where you have to defend your illness is exasperating. Here are some suggestions for what not to say…Continue reading 5 things not to say to people with chronic illness

No one with chronic pain wants to take opioids, they take opioids because all the other options don't work. They're treated like criminals for the crime of not having a working body.

10 truths about taking opioids for chronic pain

10 truths about taking opioids for chronic pain Being on opioid medication because of chronic pain is practically a criminal offense these days. You spend a lot of time defending the decisions you and your doctor decided were best for you, and usually, you’re defending these decisions to people who don’t actually know anything about…Continue reading 10 truths about taking opioids for chronic pain

How to support someone with chronic illness

Recently an acquaintance of mine who has suffered for years from unexplained illness was finally diagnosed.  It’s hard to explain to someone who has never suffered from an unexplained illness, but the diagnosis was actually a happy occasion and yet he chose to keep silent. He did not tell most of his other acquaintances or…Continue reading How to support someone with chronic illness