positive thinking is a coping mechanism not a cure

Positive thinking is a coping mechanism, not a cure

No one would ever accuse me of being an optimistic person. If you ask me if the glass is half empty or half full, I’d say that it has water in it.  My family likes to tell me I’m like Eeyore because I was depressed in high school (because four years of depression in your teen…Continue reading Positive thinking is a coping mechanism, not a cure

10 struggles only people with chronic pain will understand

10 struggles only people with chronic pain will understand

1. Putting on long pants When your thoughts go like this: “Can I lift my legs high enough? I’m so stiff I can barely move. How does anyone ever do this standing up? If I sit down on the floor to put them on will I be able to get back up again? ” Help,…Continue reading 10 struggles only people with chronic pain will understand

the power of music therapy for chronic pain

The power of music therapy for chronic pain

I grew up in a family where music was very important. In fact the ability to read music was considered an essential skill that must be developed. From a young age my afternoons involved listening to my sisters practice piano and soon enough my turn came to take piano lessons. I hated every minute of…Continue reading The power of music therapy for chronic pain

5 tools for dealing with chronic pain

I’m a big proponent of taking pain medication when you need it, but thanks to the opioid hysteria, it isn’t often available or isn’t the best option. Because I have young kids I generally do not take any pain medication during the day so I’ve had to look at other options. I’ve spent a lot…Continue reading 5 tools for dealing with chronic pain

9 reasons summer is just the worst

Please don’t let it be summer, please! Summer kicks my trash. For one thing the weather  makes me feel horrible and leads to me swell up like a balloon. Also my hands are virtually unusable from the months of April-October. For another thing, my kids are out of school. Now I love my kids very much,…Continue reading 9 reasons summer is just the worst

How to celebrate the small victories

I’ve been having a hard time lately watching friends and family achieving different milestones. A new baby, a new job, a promotion, an award, it just seems like everything is happening to everyone else. While there a certain things I don’t necessarily want anymore because of my health, it’s hard to see other people living…Continue reading How to celebrate the small victories

Positivity is not a cure for chronic illness

Dear Healthy People, I have a confession to make. Sometimes I resent you and all the things you have but don’t appreciate. You have your health and you don’t even realize how lucky you are. I know I’m supposed to “count my blessings” blah blah blah, but sometimes I just don’t want to.  Sometimes I…Continue reading Positivity is not a cure for chronic illness

the uncomfortable truths about living with chronic illness

The uncomfortable truths about chronic illness

What’s it really like being sick? It’s lonely. There is a barrier between you and most healthy people. Healthy people want healthy friends. They want friends they can regularly rely on. They want friends who’s lives are not regulated by pain, medication, exhaustion, sleep patterns, and doctors appointments. Very few people can see past these…Continue reading The uncomfortable truths about chronic illness

5 microaggressions seen at the doctors office by people in pain

5 Microaggressions seen at the doctor’s office by people in pain

One of my biggest challenges is going to the doctors office. It sounds like I’m exaggerating, but it’s actually difficult to exaggerate how hard it is to go to the doctor when you have a chronic illness or chronic pain. For many people going to the doctors office is unpleasant. No one wants to wait…Continue reading 5 Microaggressions seen at the doctor’s office by people in pain


5 ways to respond when someone doesn’t believe you’re sick

  1. Try to educate If it is someone close to you and they are important in your life try to educate them on your disease. They might have no idea about the ins and outs of your illness and once they read up on it they might be more understanding. Find articles about your…Continue reading 5 ways to respond when someone doesn’t believe you’re sick