Taking opioids for chronic pain means being treated like a criminal and constantly being told that you're exaggerating your pain.

What it’s really like taking opioids for chronic pain

Currently, taking opioids for chronic pain means you’re a pariah, which is why there aren’t enough stories to be more stories out there about what it is actually like to have an opioid prescription for chronic pain. Why I take opioids for chronic pain You can read my story here for some background context of my…Continue reading What it’s really like taking opioids for chronic pain

7 harmful myths about chronic pain

7 Harmful Myths About Chronic Pain

Myth #1– Taking pain medication makes you an addict Fact:  There is a difference between physical dependence and addiction. Addiction involves compulsive cravings, inability to control use, and use despite potential harm and self destructive behavior. Physical dependence occurs when the body becomes used to the presence of a drug. Many substances – such as nicotine, sugar, and anti-depressants can cause…Continue reading 7 Harmful Myths About Chronic Pain

7 ways to distract yourself from pain

Pain often takes over everything, it demands to be felt. Despite what the people who think pain isn’t real think, pain acceptance does not make the pain go away. So here’s a few suggestions that might help to distract you from the pain for a short time. A relaxing salt bath A bath can be…Continue reading 7 ways to distract yourself from pain

You can't just try harder to make chronic pain go away. Often the pain is there to stay and there's only so much someone can do. to fix it. Trust the person in pain (and their doctor) to do the best they can.

You can’t just “try harder” when you live with chronic pain

People with chronic pain are constantly told that they need to try harder or put more effort into fixing their pain. For example, I found myself walking out of a meeting recently. It wasn’t a situation where anyone was trying to be insensitive or judgmental, and I wasn’t being criticized. Everyone speaking had the best…Continue reading You can’t just “try harder” when you live with chronic pain

positive thinking is a coping mechanism not a cure

Positive thinking is a coping mechanism, not a cure

No one would ever accuse me of being an optimistic person. If you ask me if the glass is half empty or half full, I’d say that it has water in it.  My family likes to tell me I’m like Eeyore because I was depressed in high school (because four years of depression in your teen…Continue reading Positive thinking is a coping mechanism, not a cure

5 microaggressions seen at the doctors office by people in pain

5 Microaggressions seen at the doctor’s office by people in pain

One of my biggest challenges is going to the doctors office. It sounds like I’m exaggerating, but it’s actually difficult to exaggerate how hard it is to go to the doctor when you have a chronic illness or chronic pain. For many people going to the doctors office is unpleasant. No one wants to wait…Continue reading 5 Microaggressions seen at the doctor’s office by people in pain

When no one cares about your chronic illness because it isn't cancer

When no one cares about your chronic illness because it isn’t cancer

This week my sister and I were discussing why people don’t care about chronic illness and it reminded me of a post I wrote in 2013 called “why nobody cares about chronic illness.” After re-reading it I realized that I’ve learned a lot since I originally wrote that post. I wrote it when I was angry and…Continue reading When no one cares about your chronic illness because it isn’t cancer

10 unexpected life lessons learning from chronic illness

10 Unexpected Lessons learned from life with Chronic Illness

These are ten unexpected lessons learned from life with Fibromyalgia, Lyme Disease, and Chronic Pain: 1. Heating pads are not well constructed Seriously. I go through a heating pad every few months. I’ve tried every brand under the sun and they all suck. I honestly don’t know where to find a decent heating pad anymore,…Continue reading 10 Unexpected Lessons learned from life with Chronic Illness

You don't get a prize for refusing pain medication if you need it

You don’t get a prize for refusing pain medication when you need it

Many people need pain medication to survive, and yet the opioid crisis demonizes the medication that allowed them to function. Pain medication is demonized by opioid hysteria “Pain medication is the horrible stuff that only addicts use. If you depend on pain medication to function you are an addict. If you can’t control your pain…Continue reading You don’t get a prize for refusing pain medication when you need it