7 things people with fibromyalgia are tired of hearing

7 things people with Fibromyalgia are tired of hearing

7 things people with Fibromyalgia are tired of hearing   When you have a chronic illness you tend to hear the same responses over and over again. Some of these responses come from people who have good intentions, some come from people who just don’t think. Either way, they are hard to hear repeatedly. I…Continue reading 7 things people with Fibromyalgia are tired of hearing

Managing fibromyalgia in heat and humidity is feels impossible. Heat and humidity can cause pain, swelling, and extra exhaustion, so here's a few of my favorite tips.

Managing Fibromyalgia in Heat and Humidity

There’s nothing worse than dealing with Fibromyalgia in heat and humidity. In a few weeks, I’m going camping… In July… In Louisiana… Just writing that makes me start to sweat. Clearly, I have a screw loose for agreeing to do such a thing, especially after complaining about how much I hate summer. However, I am…Continue reading Managing Fibromyalgia in Heat and Humidity

pain relief with heat pain pro tens device

Pain relief with Heat Pain Pro TENS device

In my never-ending quest to relieve chronic pain, I’ve tried several different pain relief devices, this time I was excited to try OMRON Heat Pain Pro TENS unit because unlike the other TENS I’ve tried, this one is combined with heat. As someone who practically lives on a heating pad, I love the idea of…Continue reading Pain relief with Heat Pain Pro TENS device

the side effects of chronic pain no one talks about

The side effects of chronic pain no one talks about

There are severe side effects to long-term chronic pain. However, because of the recent hysteria about the “opioid epidemic” there have been some discussions by doctors and the CDC about how patients in chronic pain just should accept their pain.  They suggest people with chronic pain use “nonpharmacologic therapy” such as massage, physical therapy, etc.…Continue reading The side effects of chronic pain no one talks about

4 myths about being on opioids for chronic pain

4 damaging myths about being on opioids for chronic pain

There are tons of myths spread by the media regarding opioids and chronic pain. Nearly every day there is a news article inciting panic and referring to the “opioid epidemic” and how people are dying from prescription pain medication in larger and larger numbers. This means that doctors are out of control in prescribing opioids,…Continue reading 4 damaging myths about being on opioids for chronic pain

6 tips for better sleep with chronic pain

6 tips for better sleep with chronic pain

Sleep with chronic pain is always a battle. For me, I deal with pain by distracting myself, but I get in trouble come nighttime when there are no more distractions. At night when I’m lying in bed, it’s quiet and I’m not doing anything so all I can focus on is how much my body hurts.…Continue reading 6 tips for better sleep with chronic pain

How the Hummingbird relieves fibromyalgia pain

What is the Hummingbird and how does it relieve pain?

I’m happy to review the Hummingbird for chronic pain. I’ve tried many different medical devices that aim to lessen Fibromyalgia pain. So far my favorite by far has been the Quell device, but now it may have some competition in the Hummingbird by Vital Motion. The Hummingbird is a non-invasive medical device that is designed…Continue reading What is the Hummingbird and how does it relieve pain?

7 surprising ways to exercise with chronic pain

7 surprising ways to exercise with chronic pain

When you live with chronic pain or Fibromyalgia all you hear is exercise exercise exercise. Because when just getting out of bed is accomplishment, of course you should go running because it will surely be good for you. This advice just won’t go away, so I’ve come up with a few things that I do…Continue reading 7 surprising ways to exercise with chronic pain

6 reasons chronic pain is the worst

6 reasons chronic pain is the worst

Because living with chronic pain is not easy. You have to pretend to be sympathetic to other people’s pain When someone is going on and on about how much they hurt after running ten miles it’s all you can do not to punch them. Instead you paste a sympathetic look on your face and agree…Continue reading 6 reasons chronic pain is the worst

5 tips for cleaning with chronic pain

5 tips for cleaning with chronic pain

This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for details.  I have two kids and a messy husband so cleaning with chronic pain is a daily battle. Ideally, I would have a perfectly clean and organized home because messes stress me out, but the people I live with have different ideas and…Continue reading 5 tips for cleaning with chronic pain