No one with chronic pain wants to take opioids, they take opioids because all the other options don't work. They're treated like criminals for the crime of not having a working body.

10 truths about taking opioids for chronic pain

10 truths about taking opioids for chronic pain Being on opioid medication because of chronic pain is practically a criminal offense these days. You spend a lot of time defending the decisions you and your doctor decided were best for you, and usually, you’re defending these decisions to people who don’t actually know anything about…Continue reading 10 truths about taking opioids for chronic pain

Many healthy people think that people with fibromyalgia fake their symptoms, but the truth is that's not easy.

How I fake my Fibromyalgia symptoms (or not)

This is how I fake my fibromyalgia symptoms. Exhaustion and fatigue When I’m faking my favorite thing to do is to pretend that I’m exhausted. It can be somewhat taxing to always look like I’ve got an endless version of the flu, but if I apply myself I can really pull it off. When I…Continue reading How I fake my Fibromyalgia symptoms (or not)

pain relief with oska pulse

Pain Relief With Oska Pulse

Pain relief with Oska Pulse Much of my battle with chronic illness has been defined by my never-ending quest to reduce my pain levels. As pain patients are continually demonized by doctors and society pain medicine is harder and harder to get no matter how legitimate your pain is. Because of this, I’ve tried several…Continue reading Pain Relief With Oska Pulse

why people with chronic pain take opioids

Why people with chronic pain take opioids

I wake up in the morning and immediately feel the crushing pain that has a hold over my entire body. The pain radiates from my shoulders to my toes, but I have to get out of bed so I can get my kids to school. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but…Continue reading Why people with chronic pain take opioids

10 best gifts for chronic illness

10 best gifts for those living with chronic illness

This post may contain affiliate links. See my disclosure for more details. A few weeks ago I shared my favorite spoonie items that I can’t live without, but today I’m sharing the best gifts for chronic illness. After hearing from other spoonies about what products they rely on I’ve added several new items to my…Continue reading 10 best gifts for those living with chronic illness

5 common fibromyalgia myths and why they're wrong

5 Common Fibromyalgia Myths and why they’re wrong

Despite being around for several decades, the diagnosis of fibromyalgia is still widely misunderstood. Patients still struggle with getting a diagnosis, and when they do get a diagnosis helping their friends and family understand their invisible illness can be a challenge. What complicates patients’ lives even more are a myriad of myths and misconceptions that…Continue reading 5 Common Fibromyalgia Myths and why they’re wrong

how the opioid epidemic hurts people with chronic pain

How the opioid epidemic hurts people with chronic pain

The opioid epidemic hurts people with chronic pain THE OPIOID EPIDEMIC AMERICA’S ADDICTION TO OPIOIDS HOW BAD IS AMERICA’S OPIOID EPIDEMIC? HOW TO STOP OPIOID ADDICTION THE OPIOID EPIDEMIC IS RIGHT HERE     These are just some of the scare headlines that flash across the news every single day in the US. The media…Continue reading How the opioid epidemic hurts people with chronic pain

Living with Fibromyalgia comes with a lot of advice about sleep, food, and exercise. Unfortunately many of the people giving advice have never experienced fibromyalgia

What life is really like living with Fibromyalgia

Today I stumbled across a Fibromyalgia article found here about living with Fibromyalgia. I have to admit, I gagged a little bit when I read it. I think this embodies all the problems with living with Fibromyalgia advice in one lousy article. These are the suggestions that were offered for coping with Fibromyalgia: Living with Fibromyalgia: Simplistic advice…Continue reading What life is really like living with Fibromyalgia

when your chronic pain becomes an inconvenience to others

When your chronic pain becomes an inconvenience to others

When your chronic pain becomes an inconvenience to others.   I hate your guts and that’s why I decided to be sick. I thought for a long time about how I could make you suffer. There are the usual methods, but they just seemed too easy. I don’t like to do things the easy way,…Continue reading When your chronic pain becomes an inconvenience to others

10 reasons summer is the worst thing ever

Summer kicks my trash. For one thing, the weather makes me feel horrible and leads to me swell up like a balloon. Also, my hands are virtually unusable from the months of April-October. For another thing, my kids are out of school. Now I love my kids very much, but I’ve found since my illness…Continue reading 10 reasons summer is the worst thing ever