People in pain know what works for them and what doesn't. It's time for unsolicited advice (have you tried yoga?) to go away.

All the yoga in the world can’t make chronic pain disappear

Nothing like the sweet ring of “have you tried yoga?” in the ear of somebody with chronic pain. What these people miss is while yoga is great, it can’t fix chronic pain. Why? Because pain controls everything. It controls: -what I do – what I eat – when I sleep – my relationships – my…Continue reading All the yoga in the world can’t make chronic pain disappear

May is Fibromyalgia awareness month and 14 bloggers have come together to share their top tips for living with fibromyalgia

15 Top recommendations for living with fibromyalgia by those who know

Living with Fibromyalgia is a delicate dance, which is why May’s Fibromyalgia Awareness Month is so important. The bloggers at the Fibro Blogger Directory got together to provide the ultimate post for Fibromyalgia recommendations. Each blogger has a link with the rest of the blog post, so definitely head over to other blogs to read…Continue reading 15 Top recommendations for living with fibromyalgia by those who know

Come see the top chronic pain posts of 2020. They include dealing with heat, wearing comfortable clothing, and exercising with chronic pain

Everything you need to know about chronic pain in 2020

2020 has definitely been a strange year. I’ve spent so much time at home or wearing a mask in public that I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been. Despite that, my chronic pain has continued to be out of control, and I don’t think I’m the only one. Of my top posts in 2020, almost all…Continue reading Everything you need to know about chronic pain in 2020

7 frequent mistakes made by people with chronic illness

7 frequent mistakes made by people with chronic illness

Having a chronic illness is a learning process, there’s a lot of mistakes you make along the way. If you’re like me sometimes you even make the same mistakes over and over again even though you know better. Get a little bit of energy and use it all up cleaning the house  It’s so nice…Continue reading 7 frequent mistakes made by people with chronic illness

5 reasons parenting with chronic illness is a good thing

5 reasons parenting with chronic illness is a good thing

Parenting with chronic illness is hard, but overall it can still be a good thing. I originally started this blog because I felt that none of the advice about having a chronic illness applied to parents. (I mean pacing is a great idea, but good luck with that when you have children). People who know…Continue reading 5 reasons parenting with chronic illness is a good thing

How to start an exercise routine when you have Fibromyalgia

How to start an exercise routine when you have Fibromyalgia

This month the Fibro Blogger Directory is running a series on answering questions about fibromyalgia that readers have sent in. One of the readers asked this question: Can you please help explain how I can get started with exercising – I want to but can’t get up off the lounge most days and can’t even…Continue reading How to start an exercise routine when you have Fibromyalgia

the only disability in life is a bad attitude (and other nonsense)

The only disability in life is a bad attitude (and other nonsense)

I’ve been wanting to write a post on this topic for a long time but didn’t know how exactly to go about it in the right way. A lot of my able-bodied friends are obsessed with their weight and their fitness. I don’t think that their obsessing is super healthy, but it’s not my body…Continue reading The only disability in life is a bad attitude (and other nonsense)

7 surprising ways to exercise with chronic pain

7 surprising ways to exercise with chronic pain

When you live with chronic pain or Fibromyalgia all you hear is exercise exercise exercise. Because when just getting out of bed is accomplishment, of course you should go running because it will surely be good for you. This advice just won’t go away, so I’ve come up with a few things that I do…Continue reading 7 surprising ways to exercise with chronic pain

Living with Fibromyalgia comes with a lot of advice about sleep, food, and exercise. Unfortunately many of the people giving advice have never experienced fibromyalgia

What life is really like living with Fibromyalgia

Today I stumbled across a Fibromyalgia article found here about living with Fibromyalgia. I have to admit, I gagged a little bit when I read it. I think this embodies all the problems with living with Fibromyalgia advice in one lousy article. These are the suggestions that were offered for coping with Fibromyalgia: Living with Fibromyalgia: Simplistic advice…Continue reading What life is really like living with Fibromyalgia

7 harmful myths about chronic pain

7 Harmful Myths About Chronic Pain

Myth #1– Taking pain medication makes you an addict Fact:  There is a difference between physical dependence and addiction. Addiction involves compulsive cravings, inability to control use, and use despite potential harm and self destructive behavior. Physical dependence occurs when the body becomes used to the presence of a drug. Many substances – such as nicotine, sugar, and anti-depressants can cause…Continue reading 7 Harmful Myths About Chronic Pain