the power of music therapy for chronic pain

The power of music therapy for chronic pain

I grew up in a family where music was very important. In fact the ability to read music was considered an essential skill that must be developed. From a young age my afternoons involved listening to my sisters practice piano and soon enough my turn came to take piano lessons. I hated every minute of…Continue reading The power of music therapy for chronic pain

5 tools for dealing with chronic pain

I’m a big proponent of taking pain medication when you need it, but thanks to the opioid hysteria, it isn’t often available or isn’t the best option. Because I have young kids I generally do not take any pain medication during the day so I’ve had to look at other options. I’ve spent a lot…Continue reading 5 tools for dealing with chronic pain

How to celebrate the small victories

I’ve been having a hard time lately watching friends and family achieving different milestones. A new baby, a new job, a promotion, an award, it just seems like everything is happening to everyone else. While there a certain things I don’t necessarily want anymore because of my health, it’s hard to see other people living…Continue reading How to celebrate the small victories

the uncomfortable truths about living with chronic illness

The uncomfortable truths about chronic illness

What’s it really like being sick? It’s lonely. There is a barrier between you and most healthy people. Healthy people want healthy friends. They want friends they can regularly rely on. They want friends who’s lives are not regulated by pain, medication, exhaustion, sleep patterns, and doctors appointments. Very few people can see past these…Continue reading The uncomfortable truths about chronic illness

5 microaggressions seen at the doctors office by people in pain

5 Microaggressions seen at the doctor’s office by people in pain

One of my biggest challenges is going to the doctors office. It sounds like I’m exaggerating, but it’s actually difficult to exaggerate how hard it is to go to the doctor when you have a chronic illness or chronic pain. For many people going to the doctors office is unpleasant. No one wants to wait…Continue reading 5 Microaggressions seen at the doctor’s office by people in pain


5 ways to respond when someone doesn’t believe you’re sick

  1. Try to educate If it is someone close to you and they are important in your life try to educate them on your disease. They might have no idea about the ins and outs of your illness and once they read up on it they might be more understanding. Find articles about your…Continue reading 5 ways to respond when someone doesn’t believe you’re sick

Society fails the chronically ill

This post is based of a comment I gave in response to some criticism of my popular “Why no one cares about chronic illness, still” post.  I am one of the lucky ones. I have some amazing friends and family who have supported me from the very beginning of my health crisis. In some ways their support protected me…Continue reading Society fails the chronically ill

The relationship between Fibromyalgia and Allergies (rhinitis)

 My allergies have been a nightmare lately. I figured that was partly the fault of the climate I live in, but my allergies have been worse than ever this year. Luckily for me when my allergies are bad my sinuses are also bad so I’ve had the distinction of having a sinus infection that won’t…Continue reading The relationship between Fibromyalgia and Allergies (rhinitis)

invisible illness and suicide

Invisible Illness and suicide

 I read this article about an amazing women who committed suicide and it just broke my heart. She was dealing with POTS which is not a disease I know a lot about. I do know that POTS is invisible, can be related to Lyme, is often debilitating, and there isn’t a large body of research…Continue reading Invisible Illness and suicide

what it's really like going to the doctors office

What it’s really like going to the doctors office

– You walk in and the receptionist gives you the stink eye So sorry for inconveniencing you by making you do your job. -You fill out reams of paperwork that are exactly the same as the paperwork you filled out the last 5 times you were there. Do doctors offices make you do this for…Continue reading What it’s really like going to the doctors office